
How to i get unselected options in dropdown , when user selected the option im gtng like $(“#id option:selected”).val() or .text but i want unselected values for checking dynmaic conditions.. if any one knw kindly share ur answers. Thank you

22nd Apr 2018, 9:34 AM
MƑhÄƈ ĶƱméƙ
MƑhÄƈ ĶƱméƙ - avatar
1 Answer
+ 2
<select id="sel"> options </select> $("#sel option:not(:selected)") will return an array of objects containing the not selected ootions. can do $.each($("#sel option:not(:selected)"), function() { // do something with $(this).val() });
22nd Apr 2018, 9:45 AM
Adam - avatar