+ 6
it's all in the modules, feel free to read them again if you are having trouble
== and != are comparison operators, they mean "is equal", "is not equal"
+= is a shortcut to add and assign a value, x += 5 is the same as x = x + 5.
% modulo operator gives you the remainder of a division, 3%4 would give 3, 5%4 would give 1
a while loop will repeat the code as long as the condition is true.
+ 1
Write the code in your compiler to see what it do.
= is assigning something == is something equals to something in a math equation != is not equal to something += is taking the right variable and adding it to the left variable % is modulo which is dividing the two numbers and calculating the remainder and idk what you mean by "what is the while loop"
= weist etwas zu == ist etwas gleich etwas in einer mathematischen Gleichung != ist nicht gleich etwas += nimmt die rechte Variable und addiert sie zur linken % ist Modulo, das die zwei Zahlen dividiert und den Rest berechnet und den While-Schleife ist eine Schleife, die sich wiederholt, wenn die Anweisung wahr ist
- 1