+ 2
#Put camma in between print function arguments...
mm = float(input())
cm = mm*10.0
dm = cm*10.0
m = dm*10.0
km = m*1000.0
print( mm, "mm is equal to:")
print( cm ,"cm")
print( dm, "dm")
print( m ,"m")
print( km, "km")
+ 1
mm = float(input())
cm = mm*10.0
dm = cm*10.0
m = dm*10.0
km = m*1000.0
print( str(mm) + "mm is equal to:")
print( str(cm)+ "cm")
print( str(dm) +"dm")
print( str(m) +"m")
print( str(km)+ "km")
1-add + operator in print function to concatenate a variable and a string
2-convert your variable values to string from float using str() function
+ 1
Or use , to break line between variables and strings
You're welcome..
Python comment starts by #
# single line comment
multi line Comment
G'day Shalomdev congratulations on getting the code to do what you wanted. Do you love the way Python can do things so elegantly?
Would you do a bit of housekeeping, edit your original post to start with [Solved]?
Have you found the Q&A search bar (it is the magnifying glass icon at the top of the discuss screen)? Did you know you can link other Q&A posts or SoloLearn code bits (use the plus icon)?
Might i suggest you add decimeters too becuase its also a length measurment
mm = float(input())
cm = mm*10.0
dm = cm*10.0
m = dm*10.0
km = m*1000.0
print( mm, "mm is equal to:")
print( cm, "cm")
print( dm, "dm")
print( m, "m")
print( km, "km")