+ 8
std::stoi() requires a constant std::string reference as first argument, here you have given it a `char`, due to the use of subscript (index) operator.
You can also play with the digits ASCII value, given you are sure all the characters in the std::string were digit (0 ~ 9).
for( size_t i = 0; i < L; i++)
arr[ i ] = Num[ i ] - '0';
+ 3
Oh your question is trending today wow 😲👌 I'd have answered but i didn't see this till now. Next time if you post a question tag me or message me it's link I'll answer :)
+ 2
Incidental header inclusion
+ 2
The error happens because you pass a char to std::stoi() which were expecting a constant std::string reference. It's not because <string> header not explicitly included.
+ 2
string Num="1234";
In the previous code, you get each character from the string variable <Num> by using subscript operator []; you then pass the character as argument for std::stoi(). But that didn't work because std::stoi() was expecting a constant string reference, whereas a char was given instead.
arr[i] = stoi(Num[i]);
Num[0] = '1'
Num[1] = '2'
Num[2] = '3'
Num[3] = '4'
In the recent code, you use an array of string, thus each element are a string themselves, and passing them as argument to std::stoi() is fine. It's the type of argument that was expected by std::stoi().
+ 2
Yes that's right Manav Roy,
std::string str {"Hello"};
str[0] = 'H'
str[1] = 'e'
str[2] = 'l'
str[3] = 'l'
str[4] = 'o'
And each of them are char ...
+ 2
string s(1,Num[i]); is creating a string with constructor , argument 1 represents number of length and is filled with Num[i] charecter
string s(3,'4'); //this creates a string 444 so now you can pass to stoi(), like
There are other ways also..
it's equal to
string s ;
s += Num[i];
s += 'a'; //this makes s="a"; string from char 'a'
+ 1
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string Num="1234abcde";
int arr;
size_t ss;//unsigned integer datatype used to represent the size of objects in bytes,
//here ss used as pointer to store position of argument after the last digit taken for convertion
arr=stoi(Num,&ss,10); //10 base represents base type of number in string, which is going to be extracted from strong to convert to int.
cout<<arr<<endl; //output: 1234
cout<<Num.substr(ss)<<endl; //output: abcde
//in case, you want specify base type but you dont want pointer position then you can use nullptr
cout<<stoi("112",nullptr,2); //output:3 (11 in base 2 => 3 in base 10)
//because cout<<stoi("112",10)
cout<<stoi("112",&ss); valid
cout<<stoi("112",nullptr); valid but equalto cout<<stoi("112");
return 0;
+ 1
What you want is string.substr().
Num[i] gives you char, stoi needs string.
Num.substr(i,1) gives you string.
Why use char only to convert back to string.
You can do it without loop just in one line.
Error is because the first argument to
stoi() function is expect a string. But you are giving a character.
Syntax :
stoi( string, position, int base);
position is from where to start convertion
Base is type to convert,default base 10 (decimal)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string Num="1234";
//int L=Num.length();
int arr;
//for(int i=0;i<L;i++)
return 0;
Manav Roy
'1' is a character (single quotes)
where as
"1" is a string (using of double quotes)
Your first code loop, from string Num[i] extracts character, and 2nd code loop, from string of array, Num[I] extracts a string. so its fine to stoi(), but first not.
Then convert char to string and use it like:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string Num="1234";
int L=Num.length();
int arr[L];
for(int i=0;i<L;i++)
string s(1,Num[i]);
return 0;
hello guys can anyone help me