+ 2

Javascript Style Guides

I haven't really written tonnes and tonnes of Javascript code yet, so I may not have any habits. Maybe I do. Anyway, I know consistent style is quite important and I also know that in the realm of Javascript that there are a variety of style guides used. I've stumbled upon a few. Google's: https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html AirBnB's: https://github.com/airbnb/javascript This Guys: https://github.com/rwaldron/idiomatic.js/ Anyway- my question is just what is recommended? What do ya'll do? I want to get in a habit of writing consistently according to some kind of standard. Quick Edit: I know about linters - like ESlint and JSlint. I have VSCode. I think that knowing what those kind of linters are looking for is better than always guessing though.

30th Mar 2018, 7:00 AM
dCook - avatar
2 Answers
+ 1
Hi dCook Good list of resources. Idomatic js in particular a great read. As this subject can get quiet heated, the answer is normally choose the one you like and go with it. Of course if your plan is to get a job with Google or AirB&B you know which one to choose. I think ESLint is now the preferred Linter and having this inside your editor really teaches you a lot about coding.
30th Mar 2018, 8:20 AM
Mike Choy
Mike Choy - avatar
Thanks @Mike Choy thatā€™s some nice feedback. I browsed a bit of idiomatic before and itā€™s quite nice. He makes some great points right off the bat. Iā€™d like to keep reading that all the way through. You are right that this topic gets quite heated. I am not one to say this one is better than that one. Thatā€™s all preference and preferences are very personal. Sometimes itā€™s the preference of a company or a project leader. I feel itā€™s quite unfortunate that there is no standard that everyone adheres to. It can just lead to wasted time!
30th Mar 2018, 9:36 AM
dCook - avatar