+ 2
This should fix most of your issues with the exception of maybe a game loop etc.
First enter your STRENGTH and then your FORCE.
You can have maximum of 6 strenght and force combined.
import random
enemies = {"snake": [0, 2], "bear": [0, 4], "student_loans": [0, 3], "chronic_depression": [4, 0], "apple_pie_with_legs": [3, 0], "ghost": [2, 0]}
my_strength = int(input())
my_force = int(input())
my_health = 3
def random_enemy():
return random.choice(list(enemies.items()))
def fight(my_health):
enemy, values = random_enemy()
enemy_force = values[0]
enemy_strength = values[1]
print("\n You found a scary " + enemy + "! It want's to fight")
if enemy_force == 0:
if my_strength > enemy_strength:
print("\n You won!")
if my_strength == enemy_strength:
print("\n It's a tie.")
if my_strength < enemy_strength:
print("\n Oh no! It has more strength than you! You've lost 1 HP...")
if enemy_strength == 0:
if my_force > enemy_force:
print("\n You won!")
if my_force == enemy_force:
print("\n It's a tie.")
if my_force < enemy_force:
print("\n Oh no! It has more force than you! You've lost 1 HP...")
my_health -= 1
if my_strength + my_force > 6:
print("Don't cheat in my game or i will call the cyber police!")
print("Looking around...")
+ 2
You have several errors and misspellings in your code (strength), random.randint() and you're missing the parentheses () after fight and some logic issues.
+ 2
I left your code very close to what you had.