[OFF-TOPIC] How would you use technical programming knowledge for better quality assurance testing?

Outside of answers like automate routine test cases or do white-box testing/PQA, does anyone in the SoloLearn community have ideas on how to use technical programming knowledge to improve black and/or gray-box testing (specifically mobile)? If that is too specific or unreasonable, would you share any experiences, practices, and/or processes you as programmers have employed with your QA teams that have resulted in improved development quality and programming understanding across all members of your team?

4th Mar 2018, 7:37 PM
Tim Melgard
Tim Melgard - avatar
1 Answer
Also remarks on pitfalls, things to look out for, and what hasn't worked are always welcome.
4th Mar 2018, 7:40 PM
Tim Melgard
Tim Melgard - avatar