+ 3
[DUPLICATE] Use of while vs. for loops
Can someone give a few basic examples of when to use while or for loops? Thanks!
6 Answers
+ 30
when u want to execute coditions a known number of time , then its always better to use a for loop & when u want e execute statements till condition is true , then its better to use while loop
its not some rule , depends on your wish ... U can use while loop also in place for loop .
+ 7
for loop:
iterating through items in a list/string or iterating through indexes to get items in a string/list
while loop:
(dont really use it that often but if i do its because i want a specific input from the user so until that criteria is met it wont allow them to continue)
+ 4
playGame = True
while playGame == True
do this
if this
playGame == False
while evaluates a bool so the loop will not end until the value is false or true depending on your setup. So if you don't know how many times you will need to run choose a while loop.
if you need a known number or an irritable loop go with for.
steps = 5
for row in range(steps)
for col in range(row)
print(" ",end = "")
this only needs to run steps times. so first in runs the outer loop and prints # then the inner and prints a space and then # and so on until my 5 steps are met.
Not real code for the most part but what is real is based on python. Idea is the same though.
+ 4
For loops are used to iterate through items. For example, if you wanted to go through a list and see if any of the items in the list equal a certain value, then youâd use a for loop.
While loops are used when you donât know how long the loop is specifically going to cycle through the code. For example you may make a game where you want the player to be able to move while the game is running so youâd put that in a while loop.
I hope this helps, and happy coding!
+ 3
in a very simple manner:
use while when u dont know how many times you want to repeat your code
use for when u do know