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What do you know about MATPLOTLIB?

https://matplotlib.org/gallery/index.html How you use it in your projects?

31st Jan 2018, 11:24 AM
Maxim Agapov
Maxim Agapov - avatar
1 Answer
+ 1
First of all you have to install it as other liberarys using a command line or anacoda or you can download the package file and extract it your self. Math plot lib I good for data presentation you could use it with other libearys too for example you can insert it into a gui made by Tkinter, to learn go to you tube and see sendtex's on mathplot lib or go to his website pythonprograms. hope that I helpfull
1st Feb 2018, 8:24 AM
Hileamlak Mulugeta
Hileamlak Mulugeta - avatar