+ 2

Web devlopment or game development what would you choose?

19th Jul 2018, 7:24 PM
Rytis Karalius
Rytis Karalius - avatar
9 Antworten
+ 3
This is clearly a no-brainer question. :) Game development for the win! Unreal Engine / C++: www.UnrealEngine.com https://www.sololearn.com/Course/CPlusPlus/ Unity 3D / C#: www.Unity3D.com https://www.sololearn.com/Course/CSharp/ ^Those are the two main engines utilized in the gaming industry right now. I've extensively used both of them and they're both really amazing game engines. Both have good support and documentation/training. Depending upon your choice, go ahead and go through the language course here and then head over to their websites to learn the engine. However, I recommend to everyone in the world to focus on whatever they feel PASSIONATE about. Trust me, you can have the best job in the world and be the most miserable person in the world at the same time; likewise, you can have the worst job in the world and be the happiest person on it. Everything will always be relative to your perception of it, so don't based your decision on other factors beyond what you feel about it. If you love what you're doing, you'll be able to go to amazing places with it, but if you hate what you're doing, you'll hate every day that you have to do it regardless of your reasoning of why you do what you do. Ruthlessly chase down your dreams and manifest them into your reality! Also, as Danioale said, there are many factors that make up a game overall. However, many people are capable of doing it solo and do just that. With that being said, if you do that, you'll want to learn other things beyond programming. For example, I create many game projects by myself, as a consequence of that, I'm not just a programmer but also a 3D modeler and animator. Let me say this also though. You don't have to create games solo and it's a lot more fun with other people helping out. There are a LOT of people that are willing to help make games, so utilize the people around you and they'll help fill in the gaps of whatever you don't know.
19th Jul 2018, 8:01 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 6
@Rytis Karalius "other people said" There is a phrase that's said among successful people. Successful people do what unsuccessful people won't. Everything was hard before we learned how to do it good, and then it becomes something that's second nature to us. Math? Science? Languages? All things that we worked at every day consistently. Initially it's very hard to do, but then you keep taking step after step. One day it's no longer a thing of difficulty. The key in all of it is the things that you give the most time and focus to, and then show up to them each day. If you didn't put as much time or focus into math, then math was probably the worse subject. See what I mean? If have to figure out what it is that you value most and then give your energy to it. You become what you think about most; you do what you think about the most. We're given a set number of days here in this expression of reality, so regardless of what anyone says you have to ruthlessly pursue what you feel passionate about; what you love most. The perception is an interesting thing and you're also the programmer of it; you create its rules and flow based upon data and conditions. You have to guard the dialog that you have with yourself, whether it's internal or external. The words you're programming in yourself are more powerful than many even realize and it'll create the program that you'll experience as the user here. Exercise discernment when you're dealing with other people because you can take their words and absorb them as your own dialog. For example, you internalized them telling you it's very hard. As a result, you placed it inside of your perception, referenced it against other rules you've created, and then after the processing came to the conclusion that you should just give up because <insert all the reasons you came up with here>. It's all subjective, so if you control the voice, you control the man.
19th Jul 2018, 10:38 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 5
Ran out of chars in the other one, so I'll wrap up my point. Don't base things in life on their difficulty; it doesn't matter if they're easy or if they're hard, if it'll take a day or if it'll take years. You have to figure out the correct questions to ask yourself and then go from there regardless of what stands before you. Brick walls aren't placed in our lives to keep us out, but to keep out those who don't want it badly enough. Very seldom is the easy route the best route; easy doesn't equate to better. If you think of things in that way and only focus on if it's hard or not, you push yourself away from the amazing things that you could have in your life; you push away your dreams. You end up training your perception to avoid the difficult situations and seek out the easy ones instead. You're an amazing being beyond belief, what difficulty stand before you that you can't tackle if you truly wished to? Can't be so bad that it'll take a little effort or a little bit of time, right? Many people spend their lives just settling for less and their dreams and dies die with them. Dreams and ideas are only as good as the actions that are taken toward them. Look around you right now; look at the device you're communicating with me on. Do you realize the thousands of years of hard work that allowed this to take place? Imagine the difficulty that was faced and then think about the amazing prize at the end of it all. Through that blood, sweat and tears your dreams become manifest; you get a reward for your pain. Outside of our comfort zones and what we know is where our potential for growth exists; it stagnates when left only inside our comfort zone. Anyways, I could ramble on forever, so I'll leave on this. :D I wish you the best with what you're doing and you tell other people what you're going to accomplish; declare it upon your life and take at least one step each day. The steps taken is what success is, not the destination you're heading to. If you're always moving toward it, you'll eventually arrive to it.
19th Jul 2018, 10:47 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 1
Great Web u can create alone, but to create the great game, You have to create it with somebody together, also there're exceptions ;)
19th Jul 2018, 7:29 PM
+ 1
Oj, nepamačiau, kad Jūs lietuvis ;)
19th Jul 2018, 7:30 PM
+ 1
Žiūrint kas Jūs domina
19th Jul 2018, 7:33 PM
+ 1
Fata1 Err0r Thank you so much. I always wanted to create games but I thinked and other people said that it is very hard and then I gjve up.
19th Jul 2018, 10:10 PM
Rytis Karalius
Rytis Karalius - avatar
Fata1 Err0r Thank you so much. You are best : )
20th Jul 2018, 10:27 AM
Rytis Karalius
Rytis Karalius - avatar
Fata1 Err0r You changed me in better side. Now I am ready for those hard things, to challenge them. Now I am ready to my dreams come true. For all that I thank to you.
20th Jul 2018, 10:54 AM
Rytis Karalius
Rytis Karalius - avatar