What font color type and background color is used by text editor in this app?

Font color

7th May 2018, 5:03 PM
Aleksandar Popovic
Aleksandar Popovic - avatar
2 Antworten
+ 3
Just type in 'html color list' in Google's search engine you will be able to get a look at all of the available colors on the web. I believe there's like a hundred and twenty hundred and forty something like that. A complete entire list with all the values and got them listed by values and by name can't miss just Google it
10th May 2018, 11:09 PM
Shawn Gillis
Shawn Gillis - avatar
+ 3
oh and just a heads up you're probably pretty lucky that anybody even answered. Because a lot of people on this site and a lot of people on any site you go to are just not going to answer little simple questions that can be googled like that. I think you just need to use your search engine and you'd be surprised what you can find out. But you know there are some people on here that will help you out and point you in the right direction. I'm no expert at programming and I'm no expert at anything of these sites but I've just been learning and that's one of the things I learned early on. You've got to use your Google skills.
10th May 2018, 11:12 PM
Shawn Gillis
Shawn Gillis - avatar