How do you get alot of upvotes on the Code Playground?
The most upvotes I have ever got was five, and that was an extreme amount in comparison to a regular one or two upvotes. It seems like nobody ever looks at my codes. Does anyone actually just browse throughout the recent codes section regularly and generously upvote, or is it merely by chance that popular coders like Mitali get them in such amounts? Any tips to being found? I am fluent in HTML and CSS. I am learning Java at school, but the class is too slow and Sololearn is too dry of a platform for learning anything other than JavaScript and/or freaking populism in codes. I have no problem getting answers in the Discuss section, but there is no way to tell whether or not people are viewing my codes. If anyone has contacts with Sololearn, or Sololearn is reading this, please (ask them to) consider adding a feature that allows people to see how many views their codes have gotten. I am probably not only speaking for myself either, because a good 95% of us are losing confidence in our ability to code when we spend hours on a code that experienced coders dismiss as crap. Thank you.